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Sunken Cemetery Philippines

Balita Ngayon: The Sunken Cemetery in Camiguin Island marks the carry off remains of the island rested locals, it is driven underwater when the Mt. Vulcan Daan explode in 1870.

Sunken Cemetery Philippines

The Sunken Cemetery in Camiguin Island marks the carry off remains of the island rested locals, it is driven underwater when the Mt. Vulcan Daan explode in 1870. The large cross has utilize the towns people and also the tourist, a spot to memorialize the departeds buried there.

The Sunken Cemetery is famous because of a cross standing in the middle of the sea, originate from the birth of Mt. Vulcan 1871.

The province of Camiguin is a volcanic origin and composed of 4 small strato volcanoes, older volcanic structures. These also include Mount Vulcan, it is still considered active because of its last erupted 1953.

According to the history records it shows that Mt. Vulcan started as a volcanic fissure April 30, 1871 after a week of earthquakes on the island. After directly spewing lava into the sea, it brings a height for about 2,000 feet and submerged areas of Catarman, that also includes the former capitol cemetery.

Today all that remains from old Catarman are the ruins of the ancient Spanish San Roque chruch.

Remnants of the gravestones and structures of the cemetery were still seen during the low tide until 1948 when Mt. Vulcan erupted for the 4 time, which burried the area deeper for about 20 feet. 1982 a large cross was build on the solid field lava to mark this old gravesite.

More than century have passed, the island has well-arranged on its landscape, the people have recontructed the island infrastructure and most of the people remains from the cemetery have been exhume and its been move to other place. As with the nature taking the righful place, the tombstone becomes home to a several marine life and corals.


Trip Guide:

Cebu Pacific Air is the only airline the offers a direct flights to Camiguim. It runs flights from Cebu to Camiguin. Every Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday, for P588. For the latest promos and seat sales, go to or call (02)7020-888.


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